Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Blog #5 An Inspirational poem "Be Thankful" I would like to share.

Be thankful that you don't already have everything you desire. If you did, what would there be to look forward to? Be thankful when you don't know something, for it gives you the opportunity to learn.

Be thankful for difficult times. During those times you grow. Be thankful for your limitations, because they give you opportunities for improvement. Be thankful for each new challenge, because it will build your strength and character.

Be thankful for your mistakes. They will teach you valuable lessons. Be thankful when you're tired and weary, because it means you're made a difference.

It's easy to be thankful for the good things. A life of rich fulfillment comes to those who are also thankful for the setbacks. Gratitude can turn a negative into a positive. Find a way to be thankful for your troubles, and they can become your blessings.

I am thankful that you all share your thoughts, insights, and support with me this semester.

Author Unknown

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Enlisting and providing support Blog #4

Grim Illiteracy Statistics Indicate Americans Have a Reading Problem
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Enlisting and providing support Blog #4

Question you have with which your colleagues may be able to provide help and support.

  • Do you think there is something fundamentally wrong with the instruction that American children receive.
  • Do you think CPS need to upgrade their reading books that was used in the 1930s which is the 'basal reading' series.
The information I am seeking is more research on how literacy begins.
Information I have found helpful is Grim illiteracy statistics indicate Americans have a reading problem:
  • 70 percent of prisoners in state and federal systems can be classified as illiterate.
  • 85 percent of all juvenile offenders rate as functionally or marginally illiterate.
  • 43 percent of those whose literacy skills are lowest live in poverty.
The National Assessment of Educational progress testing indicates that the percentage of American children who are able to read well hasn't improved at all in the last 25 years. Many people argue that the reason behind this failure to improve is a lack of public education funding. But this doesn't seem right, as public education spending has double in the last 15 years. This only leaves one other argument: there is something fundamentally wrong with the instruction that American children receive.

Author Rudolf Flesch addresses this issue in a  book on phonics called Why Johnny Can't Read. According to Flesch, 'the teaching of reading all over the United State-in all of the schools and in all of the textbooks--is totally wrong, and flies in the face of logic and common sense.

Flesch, however, does not blame the schools or even the teachers, but instead blames the method of teaching that has been in use since 1927. This 'look and say' method relies on memorizing and recognizing words on sight. 

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Your personal advocacy Journey "Quote"

Quote I find inspirational regarding the role of advocacy in the lives of young children and their families is "

"Our voices will be heard in the future when we take up an advocacy issue".
                                                                           -Dawn Hudson

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Education Challenges: Obesity at young age, lack of physical activity, and malnutrition#links

Education Challenges: Obesity at young age, lack of physical activity, and malnutrition#links
I think you have a great topic and awareness is needed when it comes to our young children. This is an area they struggle with. Research also indicate that the social context in which a child is introduced to or has experiences with food is instrumental in shaping food preferences because of eating environment serves as a model for the developing child. For many children, eating is a social event that often times occurs in the present of parents, others adults, older sibling and peers. You have a great topic. Good Luck!!!

Your personal Advocacy Journey

What inspires and excites me most about my advocacy plan and being an advocate?

What inspires me is the need for early childhood development programs here in the United States. When children receive good quality care and learning opportunities in their earliest years they have a better chance to grow up healthy, to do well in school, and to reach their full potential in well-being and productivity.
According to research a vast numbers of children are at risk of failure in primary school. In the United states, 68 percent of all American fourth graders in public schools are not reading at proficient levels and this bother me.

What challenges and /or anxieties do you feel related to engaging in the advocacy efforts you have targeted?My  challenges would be looking for ways to get my participants to come together in large numbers, and thinking it would be nice to facilitate  high-quality personalized communication that truly make an impact.

What do you believe will be most effective in helping you overcome any challenging emotions you may be feeling with regards to presenting and implementing your Advocacy Action plan?

Well I don't feel comfortable speaking in front of large crowds but if I know my message and practice what I am going to say will help me be more confident in getting my message out to the people. I also, learn the strategies of focus on speaking in one area and focusing in on one person suppose to be effective.

How can you encourage others in their advocacy efforts, and how can others encourage you?
I can encourage others in their advocacy efforts by suggestion they create an advocacy network because you cannot do this work alone. It is more effective in numbers. Others can encourage me by giving me tips on how to deal with my opponents.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Observing and interacting with professionals

I observed Doris Milton a preschool teacher.We talked about language and literacy. Ms. Milton stated children not been spoken to at home, they are talk at not talked too. She brought up the myth: Kid are to be seen not heard.She also said 'children should know they can use their words because words are powerful. They need language to express them self. They can give you word for word but they cannot express them selves. They do not know their name, address, age, and have not never been exposed to books".

I talked to Ms.Lavita in Family support system.She talked about funding for Head Start and education programs for low-income family. She said without funding they wouldn't have the " baby talk model program", children will be left at home, and parents can not work will create stress. As a social worker if one part of the system is broken down it will not work. Children left at home all the time are subject to abuse.She said one challenge she encounter was parents are not reading to their children while they are young, and they do not make books a part of their daily lives.

One insight I learned  was Ounce of prevention prevent health problem in children. They prevent any type of problem that will hinder a child in his learning. She stress how important a child's health is and how they educate parents to keep up with well baby health is a challenge.